Deleting a Subgraph
Subgraph versions
To delete a subgraph version, first navigate to the subgraph version you wish to delete. Then you should see a button to delete the subgraph next to the version dropdown.
Note: We only allow deletion of non-live subgraph versions.
API endpoint
You can also delete a version via an API call:
Note that this uses the deploy key, not query keys.
Version auto-deletion
While you're always able to delete versions using the method above, sometimes you need something more automated (if you auto-deploy versions via CI for instance). For those cases, we have an auto-deletion feature. This will enforce the version limit by automatically deleting the oldest non-live version of your subgraph when you deploy a new version that puts you over the version limit.
You can enable or disable this feature from the settings tab of the subgraph page.
You can delete a subgraph from the settings tab of the subgraph page.
Last updated